Pyruvate kinase isoenzymes: M1-PK

The pyruvate kinase isoenzyme type M1 is expressed in tissues which are strongly dependent upon a high rate of energy regeneration, i.e. muscle and brain.

Among the pyruvate kinase isoenzymes, M1-PK has the highest affinity to its substrate phosphoenolpyruvate and is not alosterically regulated.

The M1 and M2-PK isoenzymes are encoded by the same gene but result from alternative splicing of exons 9 and 10.

The human M1 and M2-PK isoenzyme differ in 23 amino acids wthin a stretch of 56 amino acids.

Pyruvate kinase type M2: amino acid sequence


Pyruvate kinase isoenzymes: M2-PK

Pyruvate kinase isoenzmyes